Display shelf for living room

Display shelf free 3DS

Free furniture design for tiny house, ready to download

Compact houses furnishings

Simple and functional line design capable of being used on both sides of the object, it can be located in small rooms of houses and apartments, its measurements width: 1.40 m length: 0.40 m height: 1.70 m, 3D model ready to cut in cn router and assemble in the traditional way with MDF material or Melamine. Free 3D models and pdf
Display shelf

Display shelf description

A display rack is a structure designed to display products or items in a store or retail space. It can be of various sizes, shapes and materials, depending on the needs and preferences of the merchant. In this description, we will focus on a medium-sized display rack, capable of displaying a variety of products.

It is made of high-quality wood and has a height of 1.8 meters and a width of 1 meter. It is made up of five open shelves, each of which is 30 centimeters deep. The shelves are adjustable and can be placed at different heights, allowing items of different sizes and shapes to be displayed. The shelf is supported by four sturdy legs that ensure its stability.

The shelves are dark brown in color and have a smooth, glossy surface that highlights the natural texture of the wood. Each shelf has the capacity to display multiple items, which means that this display rack can accommodate a large number of products. Products can be arranged in neat rows or more casually to create a more artistic and inviting feel.

It has a minimalist and elegant design that adapts to any style of decoration of a store or commercial space. Products displayed on this shelf can be easily viewed and accessible to customers. High-quality wood and solid construction ensure that the shelf is long-lasting and resistant to daily use.

This display shelf is suitable for a variety of products, such as books, clothing, shoes, jewelry, accessories, decorative items and much more. Products can be displayed in a neat and organized manner, making it easy for customers to select and purchase.

It can also be customized according to the merchant’s needs. Additional shelves can be added to increase display capacity, or existing shelves can be height adjusted to accommodate larger or smaller products. The shelf can also be painted different colors or have logos and graphics added to promote a specific brand or product.

In short, a display shelf is an essential part of any store or commercial space. This high-quality wooden display rack is a strong and durable option for displaying a variety of products in an orderly and accessible manner. With its sleek, minimalist design, this display rack is a great choice for any business looking to add a touch of style and professionalism to their display space.

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